We had one crazy, hectic week! Dave and I had been looking forward to seeing old college friends May 30-31. To start the week, our family pictures were taken last Sunday, the 28th of May. Owen was a total ham, the more people that came into the office to see what was going on, the more sillier he got! Monday was the start of a very busy week.
To prepare for our venturing guests (Brother Memphis and the Colonel), on Monday we cleaned the house. Dave (Brother Cadillac) also made some homemade ice cream (banana-walnut); as well as putting together his ribs to cook Wed. We were supposed to get our first guest in the middle of the night on Monday, but when we woke on Tues morning to see if Santa had arrived, we were so sad to see that his bed (futon) had not been slept in. Chad had to do some extra stuff at work, so he would be arriving later that afternoon.
About noon on Tuesday, Bill and Amy Rinehart concluded their long journey from Ohio by meeting us at Valentino's. I have to say that Owen was much more interested in flirting with the waitresses and waving at complete strangers than conversing with our guests. We all (the Rineharts, Plambeck and the Hudsons) finally met up at our place for a fun afternoon of playing catch with Owen. Later on we hit an Omaha Royals game. After the game, the boys and Amy played video games, watched movies and in general stayed up way too late for their own good. I, of course, had to stay at home so someone could be there when Owen wakes up in the morning.
Wednesday, everybody's dragging their behinds, looking pretty ragged; especially Bill! Dave stays home to take a nap with Owen, while the rest of us hit the Old Market in search of nothing.
Wednesday afternoon was also Owen's 9-month check up! Here's his stats: weight: 24 pounds (93rd %), height: 31 1/2 inches (off the chart %), head circumference 47.9 cm (also off the chart %). So he's healthy as a horse and growing like a weed!